Laura Strange – A Coeliac for 20 years

Hello! I’m Laura Strange, a gluten free recipe developer, blogger and author of cookbook “Eat & Enjoy Gluten Free”. I was diagnosed with coeliac disease 25 years ago when I was a teenager and have been living gluten free ever since. With all my experience of gluten free life, it’s important to me that I share with others what I’ve learnt about home cooking, travel and not letting coeliac disease hold me back. Writing about all the things that make my life as a coeliac easier and more enjoyable.
My Coeliac Journey
I was a healthy child until aged 7 years old when I started getting regular stomach pains, upset tummies after meals and become increasingly exhausted. My parents took me to our GP a number of times over the following years, especially when I started losing a lot a weight, but my symptoms were dismissed by the doctor as “growing pains” or anxiety.
We had a lucky breakthrough one day when I was 14, being seen by a different GP and she immediately sent me for a blood test, which revealed severe anaemia and coeliac disease markers. After an endoscopy, I received an official diagnosis of coeliac disease and it was a huge relief to finally find out what was wrong.
My diagnosis is one of the best things that has ever happened to me. Going on a strict gluten free diet (with guidance from an NHS dietician as to what that actually meant!), the only treatment for coeliac disease, allowed me to reclaim my life and get my old self back. I had boundless energy, was able to get back to a healthy weight and my gut was gradually able to repair itself.
It's not easy being coeliac, initially it is a real learning curve and social situations and eating out can be tricky, but I don’t let my coeliac disease hold me back. I’ve travelled to over 60 destinations as a coeliac and have made it my mission to create delicious gluten free alternatives to all the gluten-containing foods I used to miss.
When I set out to create yummy gluten free recipes, I always strive to use the best base ingredients. It can be hard to find gluten free pasta and noodles that are both nutritious and have a good texture – I remember the days when gluten free pasta turned into mush if you overcooked it! When I discovered the ZENB range I was so impressed with the quality – their pasta and noodles are made from 100% yellow pea protein and they use special technology to create an exceptional texture. Plus they taste great and are extremely versatile when you are cooking with them at home.
Another bonus for me is that ZENB pasta and noodles are a source of iron and high in fibre and protein – so help me give my body some of the key nutrients it needs. Especially important for coeliacs like me who struggle with low iron levels.
My current ZENB favourites are the fusilli pasta and noodles – both have such incredible texture and keep my tummy full and happy. I also love how fine the noodles are and that they don’t break apart – they’re incredibly versatile and work for loads of dishes, from ramen and noodle soups to stir fries and salads. They are perfect for my favourite Spicy Peanut Noodles recipe!
You can follow me on Instagram, Facebook, Pinterest or TikTok @myglutenfreeguide or on my website
Our ZENB Noodles are made from 100% yellow peas, making it naturally gluten free, high in protein and fibre, and a good source of multiple minerals. Plus, it’s delicious and achieves the perfect al dente texture every single time! The perfect mealtime solution for the whole family to enjoy!